Medicine attendance

R.Sandeep  roll no-115
Attendance from 23rd May to 8th June-2020

Daily logs:
23rd may:  OP day: seen cases of DKA,
24th may:  Sunday read about DKA
25th may: Collecting reports and monitoring patient from my unit
26th may: Discussed about case of DKA with PG
27th may: Case discussion about hypovolemic shock secondary to acute diarrhoea
28th may: Discharged our case. Read about CNS examination
29th may: Case discussion about a male patient with sob pedal edema since 1week anuria since 3 days.
30th may: OP day seen cases of AKI,pleural effusion
31th may: Sunday: OP day
1st June : Monitored our unit cases
2nd June : Read about hypokalemic periodic paralysis
3rd June :Read about MI 
4th June : Done CNS examination on patient
5th June : Patient monitoring and read about stroke.
6th June :OP day seen cases of hemiplegia, paraplegia.Kept Foley's catheter
7th June : Sunday: collected reports and monitored our patient
8th June: psychiatry op day: seen cases of delirium, schizophrenia
9th June: psychiatry op day:seen case of schizo affective disorder
10th June :: psychiatry op day:seen case of genereralized anxiety disorder (GAD)
11th June : psychiatry op day:seen case of seen case of acute transitive psychotic disorder(ATPD)
12th June:psychiatry op: seen case of F20 relapse
13th June : Medicine op : seen case of UTI with k/c/o Dm
14th June :Sunday read about antipsychotics and antidepressants
15th June: psychiatry op:seen case of BPAD(bipolar affective disorder)
16th June: psychiatry op: seen case of depression
17th June: psychiatry op
18th June: psychiatry op
19th June: psychiatry op
20th June: medicine op
21st June: Sunday
22nd June:


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